The rock phenomenon “Stone Wedding”

The rock phenomenon “Stone Wedding” is located next to the village of Zimzelen, a few kilometers east of Kardzhali town. The formations extend over an area of about 40 acres and are a truly beautiful sight. Like the Rock Mushrooms near the village of Beli Plast, nature is the reason for the wonderful shapes here. Tens of millions of years ago, as a result of underwater volcanic activity, the rocks – rhyolite tuffs – were formed. Later, after the sea receded, they were exposed to the effects of rain, wind and sun. These elements shaped their present forms. Different minerals in the rock are also the reason for the various colors and shades.

Among them, there are interlayers of other rocks – limestones, conglomerates, etc. The different mineral composition of the rocks determines their different strength, and this is an important condition for modeling the fantastic figures of the pyramids. 


The name of the rock group – Stone Wedding – is given because of several rock fragments forming a group. With some imagination, it can be likened to a group of people. Two legends are known about this phenomenon. According to the first, the wedding guests and newlyweds were petrified by God because the father-in-law angered him with his impious thoughts towards the young bride. The second legend states that there was an old folk belief that the face of the bride should not be seen during the wedding. But a strong wind blew away the veil and the young woman’s face was seen by all. As punishment, the forces of nature punished everyone present and petrified them.

Another legend tells that the wedding procession was overtaken by robbers, whose leader was so impressed by the bride’s beauty that he demanded her as a ransom. When he didn’t get it, he ordered everyone killed. At that moment they were petrified, and the red color of the rocks remained to preserve the memory of the spilled blood. Before their death, the newlyweds froze in a passionate kiss, which can still be seen today on the side of the petrified procession. Read more…





village of Glavatartsi, №1, Kardzhali
